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Functional and Integrative Services


Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis - $150 Initial  ($75 repeat)


This Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis looks at blood markers to analyzes and interprets them into a comprehensive assessment. This assessment includes the main functional systems and the supporting accessory systems of the body that are affected and may need support. It also allows us to see the nutrient status of the body and whether or not you are trending towards optimal health. This analysis doesn’t look at blood tests as “normal” or “out or range” since many people may have “normal” labs but still feel unwell. Rather, this analysis uses ranges based on optimal physiology which results in a tighter range and better evaluation. This allows us to identify factors that keep our clients from achieving optimal physiological, biochemical and metabolic function in their body. 


Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis + Consultation - $300


This includes a complete Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis and a 30min consultation, to discuss your results and make any recommendations to help you improve your health based on your analysis findings. 


Can You Relate?
Wired and Tired
​Ever wonder why you can't lose weight, and feel tired all the time even when eating "healthy" and working out?  Our bodies can react negatively to food, even healthy ones, causing us a
BIG PROBLEM...INFLAMMATION!  If you're looking for a team to help decode what your body is trying to tell you, look no further.  Call to schedule an appointment today!



Live In Wellness

2 Club Centre Court,  

Suite 3

Edwardsville IL 62025

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We do not diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental or emotional condition and nothing on our website, its content or in our services is intended to diagnose, treat, heal, cure or prevent any illness, medical condition or mental condition. Live In Wellness provides natural health solutions, information, and education.  Our services are not medical or mental health advice.  Amber Boyles-Pellock is a Traditional Naturopath, not a licensed medical or mental health professional. Nothing on our website, in our Content or in our Services should be construed as medical or mental health advice or as a substitute for a consultation with a licensed medical or mental health professional who can review and advise you on your specific situation.  Anyone choosing to implement any information on our website or in our Services should obtain prior medical clearance from a licensed medical or mental health professional to declare them sufficiently healthy, and determine that the information on our website or in our services is appropriate and useful for them. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking professional advice because of information you have read on our website, or received from us.  Coaching is in no way to be construed as psychological counseling, therapy or medical advice

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